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Stanford’s Jim Collins, in his many books, including Built to Last, Good to Great, How the Mighty Fall, and Beyond Entrepreneurship, that are the centerpieces of most management libraries, shared the result of his extensive research on the essential organization design elements of the great enduring companies, and the design flaws of those that failed.


He found that corporate decline is largely self-inflicted, and that failed companies were victims of systemic decay. His conclusion was that most companies were missing the essentials and were experiencing what he called “the silent creep of impending doom”. He found this to be analogous to having cancer, in that the companies could look good on the outside but be sick on the inside. They didn't fall visibly until they were in the next to last stage of decline.


This section depicts the essence of our unique offerings to help avoid this kind of insanity, in six slides showing:

  1. The kinds of results we can enable, from a graph used as an initiative symbol at Fortune 100 forest products company Crown Zellerbach Corporation, in what may be the most intensive, comprehensive and successful corporate transformational turnaround in history

  2. Independent research showing our methods produce results 10X other methods

  3. Independent research showing our technology dwarfs and encompasses virtually all others

  4. The core of our approach is the highest leverage variable there is: Thinking Capability

  5. Our uniquely elegant model for organization change

  6. Our evolutionary strategy for ensuring rapid, lasting systemic change.

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