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“Every stumble by a major corporation has occurred in the face of rising product demand. While they stumbled, others thrived. What happened is quite simple and profound – they were out-thought. They were victims of only one thing — their own thought patterns.“ Stuart Wells 


“Consistently successful companies are characterized by consistently practiced regimens… the use of common disciplines for problem-solving and decision making… which can enable professionalism at every level.”  Rosabeth Moss Kanter


​P&G High Performance Systems Design Premise: “The quality of thinking of organization members is the prime determiner of business and organizational success, and the one capability on which the business can depend in all markets and conditions.”

From The Thinking Organization Workshop Series


Attached here are two sample mental tools. One is designed for use in planning and executing tasks. It looks simple, at first, but is probably better described as elegant and profound. Rigorous application of this disciplined methodology can literally enable the improved performance of all tasks, large and small, and their continuous improvement over time.


After observing its initial effects in use in a large-scale organization change initiative, one insightful executive said, "If we can just get people to use this, it will transform our organization." The type of insights people typically gain from using this tool are also attached below.  


The second sample tool is for reconciling differences and conflict, and is also elegant and profound. It has been used countless times to creatively blend the seemingly irreconcilable differences between unions and management, parties to mergers, warring departments, companies and customers, companies and communities, and even companies and religious zealots. 

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